217 Fisher Avenue
Socorro, NM 87801
Website: SocorroNM.org
Phone: (575) 835-8927
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/SocorroNM
The Tourism Department (hereinafter “Tourism”) is one of the newest additions to the City of Socorro. Established in 2004, Tourism is funded solely by Lodger’s Tax revenues generated by those staying in local hotels, beds and breakfasts, and RV parks. Because Tourism is funded by Lodger’s Tax New Mexico law and City of Socorro ordinance mandate the revenues be used to create awareness of Socorro by advertising, promoting and publicizing the area’s attractions, events, and facilities to draw tourists to the area which bolsters the local economy.
Tourism creates awareness of Socorro by advertising and marketing, events, and by the Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center.
1. Advertising and Marketing. Tourism advertises and markets through a variety of means from billboards to print ads to radio ads to brochures and much more. Tourism is a strong believer in the use of social media which currently includes the brand new Visit Socorro website, e-blasts of event posters, and the management of several Facebook pages.
Tourism begins at home. The ultimate goal of our social media campaign is to gain a grassroots following whereby members of the community provide Tourism with their posters and event information, which Tourism will then disseminate throughout New Mexico, the United States and the world via e-blasts and Facebook. All roads lead back to the brand new Visit Socorro site which is packed full of useful information. Members of the community will have a beat on all the fun things to do in Socorro, and the information will also filter out to tourists near and far letting them know Socorro is an exciting and interesting place to visit.
2. Events. Tourism hosts many events each year emphasizing the art, music and culture of our area. In addition to these events, every year Tourism offers those hosting other area events the opportunity to apply for Lodger’s Tax funds to help fund events which range from arts and culture to outdoor recreation to science, and much more. Traditionally, over thirty (30) events a year are sponsored by Lodger’s Tax funds. Tourism also helps those who do not receive Lodger’s Tax funds by utilizing social media to advertise their events.
3. Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center. Tourism is housed in the Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center which acts as a Heritage Museum designed to preserve, display, and maintain valuable items of historical significance to the Socorro area. It also acts as a visitors center providing information on Socorro to Tourists.
In closing, Tourism is designed to attract visitors to the area through a variety of means which betters the community by increasing revenue to the area and providing entertaining attractions and events.