Sedillo Park contains two playgrounds, one on the east side and the other on the west side. Grill pits are also included. From California St., turn west onto Bullock Ave.

Clarke Field sports a jogging track, a playground, outdoor grills, covered picnic tables, and a skate park. The picnic area may be reserved for private parties by contacting City Hall, 835-0240. Clark Field is located just east of the intersection of Spring and California Streets.

B Street Park, south on California Street, turn west onto B Street. The playground is behind the Circle K Convenience Store.

Western Hills Park, from Neel Avenue, turn south onto Western Avenue, then left onto Garden.

West Place, from Neel Avenue, turn south onto West before the dip in the road.

Lena Jaramillo Park, south on California Street, turn west onto Spring Street, continue until you reach the four-way stop signs, then turn left onto U.S. 60, turn right onto Granada Street.